Merry Christmas.
Today is January 6th.Just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Armenian Christmas.
I'm not sure why today is Armenian Christmas, but it is. I guess I'm a bad person for not knowing the reason behind it. I think it may be an Orthodox thing. My family celebrates Christmas on the 25th, but many Armos celebrate it today. Maybe I'll look into it. Maybe I won't. If somebody out there knows, fill me in.
At any rate, as you may have noticed, I haven't written a blog in awhile. Why? Because I'm tired. Physically. These blogs take a lot outta me, ya know? Just kidding. But yeah. Whenever I'm inspired, I'll write another one. Until then, I welcome anyone who has something to say.
Hmmmm, is there anything else I want to say? ... (silence) ... I guess not.
(Moments before I wrote this "blog," I decided to make some coffee. I'm at work. Well, I have a coffee-maker at my desk. It was recently given to me. At least, I think it was given to me. I'm not sure. Anyway, I decided to make some coffee, even though I'm not good at it. I always have trouble putting the filter in and deciding how many beans to grind. Anyway, I was walking yesterday's used filer to the break room, and it dropped outta my hand. Fuck. Old ass coffee grinds spilled everywhere. I was pissed. Oh well. I'm drinink the coffee now and it's good. Damn good, if a may say so myself.)
Oh, wait...
Jen just bought me a ticket to go see Bob Pollard at the Knitting Factory in L.A. That show isn't until late February. It should be cool. I've been to that venue once before to see the Gossip and Stereo Total. I saw Mike M and Jarah at that show. Ashod was there, too. I think he was tour managing for Total. It was a pretty cool show.
What else...
In case anyone hasn't checked out Fresno Famous' new format, do it. I like it. It's good. Very good. Very very good, actually. Yeah.
Seems like there's more... Anything else interesting? Probably, but I can't think of anything else to say.
Oh, wait... A long time ago, I sent a MySpace message to Modesto's Grandaddy asking why their city seems to get better shows than Fresno. Now, I'm not sure Modesto does get better shows than Fresno, but at the time I asked them the question, it seemed like they did. So I won't second guess what I was thinking at the time. Anyway, here's a response from two different peeps involved in the band.
I am only a partial member. Considered by the band a full member, but fan wise i don't play on stage except durring line checks. Promotion. We here in Modesto have the two Chris' Chris Rikki and Chris (i forget his last name) They both do the Moma award show and also X-fest/ Summer Jam all that stuff. Also Mike, the dude that runs Devil in the Woods. He is based out of here. As a Modesto-ite, there are no good places to play. The Fat Cat downtown may have a nice set up but the security guys they bring in can Fuck Right Off. Bands play once get a taste and don't come back. We used to have cool little bars that hosted bands, but not too many anymore. The Mustang they can pack in only a couple hundred. Grandaddy doesn't have a hometown place to play. The backyard of the Built Like Alaska Boys in Oakdale or the Manzer in Merced. I think the boys are done playing live anways. Keep on pushing the Fresno scene. ~bon |
i'm not much for blogging, and really i don't think modesto gets good shows at all. there's been a couple times that we made the radar brothers play here and the same for earlimart, and we rarely play here at all. eddie money plays here more than we do. i think fresno is coming up though. i used to think fresno was the only valley city worse than modesto, but i think there was a switcheroo at some point. modesto is hella lame. ok later aaron |
I guess that's cool.