Madonna In Fresno.
As some of you loyal readers may remember, we here at the Mitch on Speed blog sometimes recruit what we like to call "guest bloggers."
And since Madonna performing two back-to-back concerts (June 5-6) at Fresno's Save Mart Center was like the second coming of Christ to some, I figured a review would be appropriate. Unfortunately, I could not attend. Well, it's not that unfortunate. I didn't want to go.
One thing this review doesn't mention is that Madonna allegedly slept on her private jet following her June 5th performance. I figured she would've just flown to L.A. for the night, and come back to "Fres-yes" the next day. Strangely enough, that wasn't the case. From what I heard, she doesn't stay in hotels that aren't five-star. Please, Madonna...
That said, let the Maddy madness begin...
Guest Blogger: Just Jenn
Ok, so I'm sitting here trying to write my review of last night's (6/5) Madonna concert. This is harder than I thought, but I'm going to give it my best try.
Madonna concert. Loved it! My girlfriend and I sat opposite the stage in the upper level. Madonna looked like a tiny ant from our seats, but her presence was so great, it didn't even matter.
The set list was awesome. I have heard several people complain they wanted to hear more of her hits from the 1980s. Which really makes no sense to me. She has a new album out which she is promoting, so it's pretty safe to assume most of the music is going to come from that.
While it was difficult to see all of the details of her costumes, I did get the gist lots of '70s disco throwbacks and '80s aerobic leotards. The visuals were stunning and larger than life. I could not take my eyes off the black and white horse montage that opened the show. I found my arms covered in goose bumps several times. I began to have those, "Oh, I get it moments." You know, the ones where you think music is all we need. I should stop my SUV gas-guzzling ways. Fifty pairs of black pumps are not necessary when there are hungry children in the world. So yeah, a little deeper conscious can often come in the strangest forms.
For those who were upset about Madonna's use of profanity, I can understand that. I dont make a habit of using such words, but remember: this is Madonna. She is the woman who became famous by singing about virginity. I'm not really sure we should have expected anything less.
And KUDOS to Madonna's people. I'm talking about the people who, as she rushes out on stage as the show is starting, tell her "You're in Fresno now." There have been mentions of Madonna's use of the word "FRES-YES." Ok, well her people obviously have done their homework and research. No one honestly believes that Madonna just came up with that while sitting back stage, right? Crafty people certainly were able to find Fresnos resurgence of self-esteem and frequent use of the term Fres-yes. Michael Jackson should have such people. The ones who tell him, "Hmm, yeah probably not a good idea to say you share your bed with little boys."
Ok, so quick recap. Set list, awesome. Visuals (this also goes for all the props she used) were fantab. Her dancers had more energy and moved so fluidly. It was mind-blowing. Madonna rocked the show for two hours straight (despite coming on stage and not giving an encore). The show was well worth the $120 I paid for my tickets, and I would definitely see her again in Fresno.
More Madonna concert info can be found at Mike Oz's blog (Fresno Bee music writer - duh.)
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